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Voenizdat (Military Publishers)


Voenizdat (Military Publishers) was the Military Publishing House of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR (voennoe izdatelstvo). Established in Moscow in 1919; Voenizdat published literature for the defense industry such as technical manuals and dictionaries. It also published posters, pamphlets and fiction and non-fiction literature frequently containing military themes. Voenizdat's predecessor was Litizdat, the publishing arm of the Revolutionary Military Soviet.

Sources & Citations

Pisch, A. (2016). The personality cult of Stalin in Soviet posters, 1929-1953: Archetypes, inventions and fabrications. Canberra: ANU Press. (P. 100, Litizdat cited).
Hooker, M. T. (1996). The military uses of literature: Fiction and the Armed Forces in the Soviet Union. Westport, CT: Praeger.
Kalmykov, Sergey Pavlovich. Voyenizdat: Istoriya I Sovremennost' (03 Sept. 2011) Voyennaya Letopis' Otechestva
Soviet Military Encyclopedia (1976)