Gudok Typography Workshop, Moscow
Gudok is the Russian word for whistle and it was also the name given to the railway industry newspaper in the Soviet Union. The newspaper's printing workshop was in Moscow at 7 Stankevich Street (formerly Voznesenskii Lane), a street named after Alexander Stankevich (1821-1912), the Russian writer, biographer and publisher. From the end of the nineteenth century until 1918, the location served as the printing house and editorial offices of the liberal newspaper "Russian News" (Russkie vedomosti). The newspaper was closed by the Bolsheviks.
Sources & Citations
Vostryshev, M. I. & Shokarev, S. Iu. (2011). Vsia Moskva ot A do Ia. entsiklopediia. Moskva: Algoritm. (pp. 138; 139, history of Voznesenskii Lane and its buildings)
Sytin, P.V. (1958). Iz istorii moskovskikh ylits. Moskva: Moskovskii Rabochii. (p. 205, history of Gudok)