EZGB (State Paper Procurement Expedition)
ЭЗГБ (Экспедиция заготовления государственных бумаг)
EZGB (Ekspeditsiia Zagotovleniia Gosudarstvennykh Bumag) was the State Paper Procurement Expedition (A.K.A. Department of State Currency). The entity administrated the printing of currency and securities for the Imperial Government. EZGB traces its history to 1818 when the State Paper Procurement Expedition was organized by Decree of Emperor Alexander I. In 1919, EZGB was nationalized by the Soviets and transferred to the People's Commissariat of Finance where it was re-named the General Directorate for the Production of State Marks (Goznak).
Sources & Citations
Voznesenskij, S. V., & Smekalova, T. N. (2009). Pervye sto let istorii Ekspedicii Zagotovleniia Gosudarstvennych Bumag: 1818-1918 gg. Sankt-Peterburg: Nestor-Istorija.
Goznak.ru (history of EZGB)