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A.I. Mamontov Typography Partnership, Moscow

Издательство Типография Товарищества А. И. Мамонтова, Москва

Anatolii Ivanovich Mamontov (1839-1905) was a Moscow publisher, typographer and a business leader whose home and workshop was located at 5 Leont'evskii Lane. Mamontov's printing business was founded in the early 1860s and his publishing operations were known for being an early disseminator of children's literature. Mamontov also started the Children's Education Workshop to design and sell toys-- the first Russian-made matreshka nesting doll was created there in 1890.

Over 200 employees routinely worked under Mamontov making his firm one of the larger printers in Moscow.
At the firm's printing operations on Filippovskii Lane, Mamontov organized musical recreation for his workers in order to alleviate the long hours on the shop floor. After Mamontov's death his son Mikhail took over the firm. Between 1918 to 1920, the Mamontov printing and publishing operations were nationalized by the Soviets. Its printing operations on Filippovskii Lane were re-named “Revolutionary Spark" and the typography and bookbinding office on Leont'evskii Lane was turned into the 7th Typography of the MSNKh (Moscow Council of National Economy). In the 1930s, Leont'evskii Lane was changed to Stanislavskii Street to honor Konstantin Stanislavskii (founder of the Moscow Arts Theater) who lived in an apartment on the street.

Sources & Citations

Longe, J. L., Gale Group. (2001). How products are made: An illustrated guide to product manufacturing. Detroit: Gale Group.
Steinberg, M. D. (1992). Moral communities: The culture of class relations in the Russian printing industry, 1867-1907. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Ruud, C. A. (1990). Russian entrepreneur: Publisher Ivan Sytin of Moscow, 1851-1934. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press.
Lenin, V. I., Akhapkin, I. U., Rastiapin, V. M. (1978). Leninskie dekrety o Moskve. Moskva: Moskva Rabochii. (P.327, section on Mamontov).
Sredi kollektsionerov, issues 1 and 2 (notes about 7th Lithography Moscow) (bio on Anatolii Ivanovich Mamontov)