With the Soviet Union, forever!
Poster Number: PP 156
Category: Stalin
Poster Notes: November 7th was a holiday in Czechoslovakia marking the anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 in Russia. Celebrations were carried out under "The Month of Czechoslovak-Soviet Friendship" with a highlight being a lantern march-- required for the holiday. Czechoslovakians carried paper lanterns through their neighborhoods as a show of solidarity with the USSR. The man with Stalin is Klement Gottwald (1896-1953), Czechoslovak Communist leader. They hold a paper that reads, Se Sovětským svazem na věčné časy! (With the Soviet Union forever!). From 1935 to 1944, Czechoslovakia and the USSR signed three treaties of cooperation. The Soviet Union held political claim to much of the nation after the war and the eastern section of Czechoslovakia (Carpathian Ruthenia) was annexed to USSR.
Media Size: 25x19
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: 1951
Technical Information on Poster: Publication of the Union Of Czecho-Slovak-Soviet Friendship, 2 Svoboda Street; Price 10 koruny.
Catalog Notes: PP 156 Stalin; Sister poster PP 880
Language: Czech
Artist: Schlesinger, Josef —
Printer: Printer not indicated —