We are building our happy and cultured collective farm life!
Poster Number: PP 350
Category: Agriculture
Poster Notes: Written on plan: "Agricity of Victory". Agricity is the English translation of the Russian agrogorod, a concentration of state-owned farms that made an agricultural town. The model had advantages of offering rural and urban living. Nikita Khrushchev first proposed the Agricity in the 1930s before he was premier of the U.S.S.R. He again proposed them in 1950-51 (during Stalin's tenure) but the plan was halted. Ultimately, the Agricity concept proved too costly to maintain and the proposal was abandoned.
Media Size: 33x23
Poster Type: Offset
Publishing Date: 1950
Editorial Information: Editor B. Vorontsov
Technical Information on Poster: [Approved] August 15, 1950; Publication No. 9157; Order No. 1159; Price 1 ruble
Print Run: 200,000
Glavlit Directory Number: A-06263
Sources & Citation:
Mellor, R. E. H. (1982). The Soviet Union and its geographical problems. London: MacMillan.
Wädekin, K.-E. (1968). Rural reconstruction and the agrogorod: Developments in village planning and design since the 22nd Party Congress. München: Radio Liberty.
Catalog Notes: PP 350 Agriculture b
Artist: Koretskii, Viktor Borisovich (Koretsky, Victor) — Корецкий, Виктор Борисович
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Publisher: Iskusstvo (Art Publishing House), Moscow-Leningrad — Искусство, Москва-Ленинград
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