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Warm dress [clothing] for the Red Army!

Poster Number: PP 1067
Category: World War II
Media Size: 38x25
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: 1941
Editorial Information: Editor-in-Chief M. Gimadeev
Technical Information on Poster: Order No. 0332; PF-No. 4745; Price 1 ruble.
Catalog Notes: PP World War II c
Language: Tatar
Artist: Saifullin, Rashid Faizrakhmanovich (Sajfulin, Rashid F.) — Сайфуллин, Рашид Файзрахманович
Rashid Saifullin studied at the Bashkir Art School from 1933 to 1935. Around 1937, he studied in the art studio of Dimitrii Moor, the noted Soviet graphic artist. Saifullin was drafted in the Red Army during the Second World War and served from 1943 to 1945. During the war, the artist suffered battle trauma and was temporarily demobilized. Returning from military service, Saifullin lived in Kazan and worked in poster production for Tatgosizdat (Tatar State Publishing House). In the post-war ...
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Printer: Tatpoligraf, Kazan — Татполиграф, Казань
Tatpoligraf (Tatar Poligrafic Enterprise) was a printing trust formed in 1927 to consolidate printing houses in the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic that were outside the jurisdiction of Tatgosizdat (Tatar State Publishing House). The headquarters of Tatpoligraf was in Kazan at 4 Miskavskii Street. For example, the Kazan-based printers of Vostok Lithography (at 4 Kazanskaia Street) and Proletarskoe Slovo (Proletarian Word) Lithography were under the management of Tatpoligraf.
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Publisher: Tatgosizdat (Tatar State Publishing House) — Татагосиздат (Татарское государственное издательство)
Tatgosizdat publishing house reportedly first served as the printing department of the Tatar-Bashkir Commissariat and it was in charge of Chuvashpechat, the publishing house of the Mari Autonomous and Perm regions. In 1919-20, the publisher was made a branch of the State Publishing House of the RSFSR under the administration of Tatnarkompros (Tatar Commissariat for Public Education). In 1927, Tatgosizdat was reorganized as Tatizdat (Tatar State Publishing). Tatgosizdat/Tatizdat published works chiefly in the languages of ...
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