There: elections are directed by monopolistic American agents. Here: free elections [are held] such as never before during the bourgeois regime.
Poster Number: PP 978
Category: Comecon-Warsaw Pact
Media Size: 34.5x25.5
Poster Type: Offset
Publishing Date: 1954
Technical Information on Poster: VČT 0101
Catalog Notes: PP 978 Comecon-Warsaw Pact
Language: Czech
Artist: Haas, Lev — Хаас, Лев
Printer: Orbis [Printing and Publishing], Czechoslovakia — Издательство Орбис
Orbis Publishing (Orbis Nakladatelství in Czech) was located at 46 Stalinova (46 Vinohradská) Street in Prague, Czechoslovakia. The origins of Orbis date to 1921 when it was developed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Orbis turned out literature concerning politics, sociology, art, technology, economics and tourism. It also published and printed newspapers and magazines. From 1948 to 1989, under the state-controlled economy of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, Orbis was placed under the Ministry of Information and served as the main pu...
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Publisher: Ministry of Culture, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic — Министерство культуры, Чехословацкой Социалистической Республики