The Working Class in the Workers’ State. For The 7 Hour Day!
Poster Number: PP 277
Category: Workers
Poster Notes: Depending on the profession, pre-revolutionary workers labored ten to twelve hours per day, six days a week. After the October Revolution of 1917, a mandatory eight-hour workday was set at six days per week. In 1927 (when this poster was likely published) the workday was seven hours at six days a week. In 1929, the five-day week was decreed but reverted to eight hours a week with a six-days a week. After World War II, the U.S.S.R.’s workweek lowered to seven hours, six days a week.
Media Size: 33.5x25.5
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: c.1928
Technical Information on Poster: Order No. 2296. "from the original of the artist B. V. Ioganson." Price 75 kopeks. [A Soviet-era archive stamp on this poster reads “File Copy" Inventory No. 5740].
Print Run: 20,000
Glavlit Directory Number: A-17763.
Catalog Notes: PP 277 Workers
Artist: Ioganson, Boris Vladimirovich — Иогансон, Борис Владимирович
Boris Ioganson attended the Moscow School of Art and was trained by the leading Russian Impressionist and modern painter Petr Ivanovich Kelin. From 1918 to 1912, Ioganson studied at MUZhVIZ (Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture). In 1922, he helped found A.Kh.R. (Association of Artists of the Revolution) where he adopted the principles of Socialist Realism emerging during the 1930s in the USSR. From 1937 to 1961, Ioganson was on faculty at the Leningrad Institute of Painting, ...
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Printer: 1st Exemplary Gosizdat Typolithography Workshop, Moscow — 1-я Образцовая типография Госиздата, Москва
The 1st Exemplary Gosizdat Typolithography Workshop was located in Moscow at 28 Valovaia Street. Historically, the workshop began as the Sharapov-Sytin Partnerhip in the era prior to the Russian Revolution. Ivan Dmitrievich Sytin (1851-1934) was the son of a peasant. He opened a small print shop in Moscow using a single press and by the start of the 20th century his printing business (at Valovaia and Piatnitskaia streets) was the largest private printing company in tsarist ...
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Publisher: A.Kh.R. (Association of Artists of the Revolution) — А.Х.Р (Ассоциация Художников Революции)
The Association of Artists of the Revolution was an artist cooperative from 1928 to 1932. From 1922-1928 it was called the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia. During the 1920s, the Association rose to prominence in the Soviet art world. It opened branches throughout the USSR, and it operated its own publishing house in Moscow at 25 Tsvetnoi Boulevard. The Association was abolished in 1932 when the government centralized a majority of independent arts organizations in the USSR.
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