The war of Capital destroys-Labor rebuilds
Poster Number: PP 544
Category: Workers
Poster Notes: [On flags]: Water supply week / Long live labor.
Media Size: 30.5x24.5
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: c.1919
Sources & Citation: Soviet Posters of the era of the Civil War 1918-1921 by B. S. Butnik-Siverskii (1960), page 346, poster 2044; David-Fox, M. (1997). Revolution of the mind: Higher learning among the Bolsheviks, 1918-1929. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Catalog Notes: PP 544 Workers
Artist: Luzhkovskii, E. — Лужковский, Е.
Printer: Politodel, PUR (Political Department of the Political Directorate of the Revolutionary Military Council), Lithography — Политическое управление (PUR), литографический отдел
PUR (Political Directorate of the Revolutionary Military Council) was organized in May 1919 after the All-Russian Bureau of Military Commissars (VBVK) was abolished. In turn, the Political Section of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic (RVSR) was renamed PUR. It was formed (in part) to manage the Party's political work in the Red Army and Navy. To this end, PUR also operated printing and publishing departments tasked with disseminating political literature and information.
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Publisher: Politodel, PUR (Political Department of the Political Directorate of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic) — Политотдела ПУР РВСР
The Red Army's political sections (politodeli or singular, politodel) were responsible for turning out literature, recruiting party members, and organizing a myriad of political activities. The power of the political sections was vested in PUR (Political Directorate of the Revolutionary Military Council). PUR was organized in May 1919 after the All-Russian Bureau of Military Commissars (VBVK) was abolished. In turn, the Political Section of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic (RVSR) was renamed PUR. Its ...
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