The Soviet Union is glittering with jewels, "The Kazakh, Armenian and Belorussian are free!" The Tadjik and the people beyond the Caspian sea Sixty ethnic groups have arisen together from the ashes "Stalin is taking care, raising and guiding " "The great brotherhood of the people, which is in flower." From the book “On The Brotherhood Of Nations” by the national poet Jambul
Poster Number: PP 203
Category: Stalin
Poster Notes: Dzhambul Dzhabaev was a Kazakh akyn [folksinger] popular during the Stalinist-era.
Media Size: 39x28
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: 1940
Editorial Information: Editor A. Rachevskii; Technical Editor I. Kabanov
Technical Information on Poster: Iskusstvo No. 4296; Index R-10; Order No. 1997; Submitted for production August 11, 1939 [and] Approved for printing September 23, 1939; Standard format 62 x 92; Volume 1 sheet of paper; Price 7 kopeks; [Printed at] 3 Mir Street
Print Run: 75,000
Glavlit Directory Number: A-12198
Catalog Notes: PP 203 Stalin
Artist: Azhigirov, Alexander Prokofievich — Ажигиров, Александр Прокофьевич
Alexander Prokofievich Azhigirov was a Soviet painter and graphic artist. Born into an ethnic Tangut family from eastern Siberia, Azhigirov attended the Moscow Institute of Art from 1933 to 1939 whereupon he graduated. At the close of the 1930s, Azhigirov worked in the Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic as a graphic artist and painter but his principal labor was designing posters. He became a member of the Communist Party in 1942. As a professional artist, Azhigirov began exhibiting ...
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Printer: 24th Lithography Workshop of the Poligrafkniga Trust of Ogiz, Leningrad — 24-я типография ОГИЗа РСФСР треста Полиграфкнига, Ленинград
The 24th Lithography Workshop was located at Kronverkskaia and Mir Streets in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). Historically, the workshop had its roots in Imperial Russia and it was a large printing operation founded in 1881 by Theodore Kibbel (a.k.a. Fedor Fyodorovich Kibbel). Shortly after the printer was nationalized by the Soviets, it became the 1st State Lithography Workshop. In 1924, the workshop was named in honor of Mikhail Pavlovich Tomskii (1880-1936), head of the Soviet trade ...
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Publisher: Iskusstvo (Art Publishing House), Moscow-Leningrad — Искусство, Москва-Ленинград
Iskusstvo was the Art Publishing House (A.K.A. Visual Arts Publishing) that was created in 1936 from Ogiz-Izogiz (State Art and Literature Publishing House). It disseminated books and journals dealing with graphic design and the fine arts, and it issued numerous posters. Since the Iskusstvo banner was part of the State Printing Works in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) and Moscow, its two main offices were located in those two cities.
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