The morning is wiser than the evening. Morning-Evening. Conditions in France have become so hot that German soldiers rarely go out into the streets during the evening, preferring to while away the time in their barracks.
Poster Number: PP 557
Category: World War II
Poster Notes: Poster was produced for Russian-speaking populations living in England.
Media Size: 32x22
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: c.1943
Editorial Information: Text Editor Nik Aduev; [this editor may have been Nikolai Alfredovich Aduev, the Soviet poet and playwright]
Sources & Citation: Clark, K., et al. (2007). Soviet culture and power: A history in documents, 1917-1953. New Haven: Yale University Press. (p. 483, mention of Nikolai Aduev)
Catalog Notes: PP 557 World War II b
Language: English
Additional Languages: Russian
Artist: Goriaev, Vitalii Nikolaevich — Горяев, Виталий Николаевич
Vitalii Nikolaevich Goriaev's artistic career began at the age of 11 when he published his first drawings in the regional newspaper Zabaikal'skii Rabochii [Zabaikalsky Worker]. By 1929 he was living in Moscow. While there, he befriended the artist and poet Vladimir Maiakovskii who advised him to enroll at the Moscow VKhUTEIN [Higher Art and Technical Institute]. When the Institute closed the following year, Goriaev transferred to the Moscow Polygraphic Institute where he studied under the artists Vladimir Fa...
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Printer: Stafford and Company Ltd., Netherfield (Nottingham, England) —
Stafford & Company was located at Forester Street in the town of Netherfield in Nottingham, England. It was in operation from the 1880s until the 1970s.
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Publisher: Publisher not indicated —