The machine speeds and eases work. Appeal Peasants! Organize into Machine Cooperatives. Machines are accessible to all, only they must be acquired not individually, but in a group. [Partial translation]
Poster Number: PP 1150
Category: Agriculture
Poster Notes: [Top of poster] "RSFSR" (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic) / "Proletarians of all countries, unite!"; [Above title] Table No. 5 Supplement to the Primer “Our strength is our field" VChKLB [All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for the Liquidation of Illiteracy]; In 1920, VChKLB was formed by the Council of People’s Commissars to carry out the decree of December 1919 calling for liquidation of illiteracy among citizens eight to fifty years. In 1930, VChKLB was replaced by the All-Russian Conference on Liquidation of Illiteracy.
Media Size: 39x26
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: 1925
Technical Information on Poster: Telephone 11-85.
Print Run: 100,000
Glavlit Directory Number: 31871
Catalog Notes: PP 1150 Agriculture b
Artist: Artist Unknown — неизвестный художник
The artist's name on the poster is not indicated. By assigning Artist Unknown to a poster it also could mean the artist used a chop mark whereby no signature is seen thus rendering the artist's identity anonymous.
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Printer: Doloi Negramotnost' (Down with Illiteracy) — Долой Неграмотностъ
Doloi Negramotnost' was the name of a Moscow based publication as well as a campaign to eradicate illiteracy in the U.S.S.R. The program began in 1919 when Vladimir Lenin signed the decree "On eradication of illiteracy among the population of RSFSR". All Soviet citizens aged 8 to 50 years were required to be literate in their native language. The printer was located in Moscow at 4 Kuznetskii Lane.
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Publisher: State Publishing House of Sycamore Music, Moscow — Нотопечатня Музыкального Издательства Сикомора, Москва
The State Publishing House of Sycamore Music (Notopechatnia Muzykal'nogo Izdatel'stva Sikomora) was situated at 13 Kolpachnyi Lane in Moscow. Sycamore had been an independent publishing and printing entity prior to nationalization. Historically, the printing house was owned by Petr Ivanovich Iurgenson (1836-1903) and his family who were long-time music publishers in Imperial Russia. During the late 1920s, it came under the management of the Musical Sector (Muzykal'nogo sektora Gosudarstvennogo) of Gosizdat, the State Publishing House. In 1930, ...
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