Smoke from smokestacks is the breath of soviet Russia
Poster Number: PP 549
Category: Industry
Poster Notes: Poster was issued by the Foreign Science and Technology Office in Berlin. Its office was attached to the Soviet Trade Mission in Germany and it gathered news on scientific advancements outside of the USSR.
Media Size: 41x31
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: c.1927
Catalog Notes: PP 549 Industry b
Artist: Illegible Initials — Инициалы Неразборчивы
Printer: R. Barnik Artistic Lithography, Ltd., Berlin — Р. Барник, о-во. с ограниченной ответственностью. Художественная литография, Берлин.
R. Barnick Artistic Lithography was a Berlin printing firm that had been in existence since about 1875. It produced lithographic posters, labels for bottles, and an array of graphic ephemera. Since the printing house was located in Berlin's eastern sector, after World War II, the location of R. Barnik Artistic Lithography shifted to East Germany.
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Publisher: VSNKh (Supreme Soviet of National Economy) — ВСНХ
VSNKh was the Supreme Soviet of National Economy (Vysshiy Sovet Narodnogo Khoziaistva). It was formed in December 1917 to organize the economic plan and financial administration of emerging Soviet Russia. VSNKh is at times cited as "Vesenkha"-- a portmanteau variation. In 1931-32, VSNKh was broken up into seventeen ministries and out of the division came, the People's Commissariats for Heavy Industry, Light Industry, and the Timber Industry. VSNKh was again re-instituted on a ...
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