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Long live the proletarian class solidarity of the working people!

Poster Number: PP 973
Poster Notes: Poster was designed for the International Red Aid organization (Mezhdunarodnaia Organizatsiia Pomoshchi Revoliutsioneram) abbreviated as MOPR. Founded in 1922, MOPR was a service organization established by the Communist International.
Media Size: 39x27.5
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: 1933
Editorial Information: Text editor Gerasimov; Technical editor Khakimdzhanov.
Technical Information on Poster: Order No. 450; Price 1 ruble.
Glavlit Directory Number: 141. Uzlit, Uzbekistan section of Glavlit
Catalog Notes: PP 973 Communist Culture b
USSR Region: Uzbek SSR
Language: Uzbek
Artist: Zhukov, Boris Samoilovich — Жуков, Борис Самойлович
Boris Samoilovich Zhukov was a Soviet graphic artist and caricaturist. From 1927 to 1931 Zhukov studied at VKhUTEIN (Higher Art and Technical Institute) and the Moscow Polygraphic Institute. Thereafter, he ventured into the profession of graphic design illustrating and designing books for the State Publishing House of the Uzbek SSR. He also developed caricature illustrations for the newspapers Pravda Vostoka (Truth of the East), Kyzyl Uzbekiston (Red Uzbekistan), and for the Uzbek magazine Mushtuk (Fist). During the ...
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Publisher: State Publishing House, Tashkent — Государственное издательство, Ташкент
The State Publishing House had its origins in Imperial Russia as the Royal Print Yard in St. Petersburg. As the Red Army controlled more provinces and cities in former Imperial Russia, the State Publishing House developed offices outside St. Petersburg. Tashkent was the capital of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic from 1924 to 1991. Today, it is the capital of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
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