The Air Fleet -- Synonymous with the Defense of the Republic and of your Labor. SIBLET
Poster Number: PP 806
Category: Military
Poster Notes: Poster likely was published for the general meeting of the founders of SIBLET that was held in Novonikolaevsk.
Media Size: Please inquire
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: c. 1923
Technical Information on Poster: Siblit No. 1675; Order Number 2161.
Print Run: 5,000
Catalog Notes: PP 806 Military b
Artist: M — М
Printer: Soviet Siberia Typography, Novonikolaevsk [Novosibirsk] — Типография издательства Советская Сибирь, Новониколаевск [Новосибирск]
The Soviet Siberia Typography was located in the city of Novonikolaevsk, a city in Southern Siberia. The printer disseminated the regional newspaper “Soviet Siberia”, a publication in circulation since 1919. Novonikolaevsk was founded in the 1890s and it grew into a major industrial hub. During the New Economic Policy (NEP) of 1921 to 1928, Novonikolaevsk entered a period of reconstruction. The city was named Novosibirsk in 1926.
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Publisher: Siblet (Siberian Society of Friends of the Air Fleet) — Сиблет (Сибирское отделение Общества Друзей Воздушного Флота)
Siblet (Siberian Society of Friends of the Air Fleet) was formed in April 1923 and operated until 1925 when it was merged into Dobrokhim (Union of Societies of Friends of Aviation and Chemical Defense and Chemical Industry of the USSR).
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