Everyone to the election for the Supreme Council of the Tadjik Soviet Socialist Republic! Forward to new victories in the building of Socialism, to the total victory of Communism in our country under the flag of Stalin’s Constitution!
Poster Number: PP 688
Category: Stalin
Media Size: 36x26
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: 1947
Editorial Information: Editor Serebrianskii
Technical Information on Poster: [Approved] February 14, 1947; Order No. 5616; Price 3 rubles.
Print Run: 6,000
Glavlit Directory Number: KL 03411
Catalog Notes: PP 688 Stalin
USSR Region: Tajik SSR
Language: Tajik
Additional Languages: Russian
Artist: Usmonov, Kh. — Усмонов, Х.
Printer: Stalinabad Printing Plant, [Dushanbe, Tajikistan] — Сталинабад Полиграфкомбинат, [Душанбе, Таджикистан]
The Stalinabad Printing Plant was a state-owned entity in Dushanbe, the capital city of the Tajik Autonomous (and later) Soviet Socialist Republic. In October 1929, the name of Dushanbe was changed to Stalinabad in honor of Joseph Stalin (1879-1953), leader of the Soviet Union. The city grew rapidly during the Soviet-era and was an industrial base for many years. The city was re-named Dushanbe in 1961. It is currently the capital and the largest city in Tajikistan.
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Publisher: State Publishing House, Tajik SSR — Государственное издательство, Таджикская ССР
The State Publishing House had its origins in Imperial Russia as the Royal Print Yard in St. Petersburg. As the Red Army controlled more provinces and cities in former Imperial Russia, the State Publishing House developed offices outside St. Petersburg. The Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic (A.K.A. Tajik SSR) was located in Central Asia and was one of the constituent republics of the Soviet Union from 1929 to 1991.
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