Comrades Red Army Soldiers and Red Navy Sailors, Commanders and Political Operators, Men and Women Partisans! The whole world is looking at you as a force able to totally destroy the pillaging hordes of [the] German aggressor. -J. Stalin
Poster Number: PP 580
Category: Stalin
Poster Notes: The artist Burova is not credited yet research indicates she did design this poster with Ivanov.
Media Size: 38x27
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: 1942
Print Run: 30,000
Catalog Notes: PP 580 Stalin
Artist: Ivanov, Viktor Semenovich — Иванов, Виктор Семёнович
Viktor Semenovich Ivanov attended Moscow Secondary Professional Art School from 1926 to 1929. In 1928, he took classes at a studio of Dmitrii Kardovskii the Russian artist, illustrator and stage designer, and from 1929 to 1933, Ivanov continued his education at the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture that was affiliated with the Russian Academy of Arts of Leningrad. In 1931, Viktor Ivanov began designing for the state publishing house Ogiz-Izogiz where he achieved acclaim as a prolific artist whose concentration ...
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Artist: Burova, Ol'ga Konstantinova — Бурова, Ольга Константиновна
Ol’ga Konstantinovna Burova was a Soviet graphic artist that chiefly worked in the field of poster design. Burova studied at the “Moscow Regional Art Pedagogical School of 1905” (MKhU) from 1935 to 1938. Among the decades-long exhibitions that featured her work are: Vienna (1948) and Berlin (1953) and the Moscow-based All-Union Poster Exhibition (1958) dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the October Revolution. A sample of her posters includes: “Forward to the West, Red Cavalry!” (1942), "Forward-Fa...
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Printer: 1st Exemplary Ogiz RSFSR Typography Workshop of the Poligrafkniga Trust, Moscow — 1-я Образцовая типография Огиза РСФСР треста Полиграфкнига, Москва
1st Exemplary Ogiz RSFSR Typography Workshop of the Poligrafkniga Trust was located in Moscow at 28 Valovaia Street. Historically, the workshop began as the Sharapov-Sytin Partnerhip in the era prior to the Russian Revolution. Ivan Dmitrievich Sytin (1851-1934) was the son of a peasant. He opened a small print shop in Moscow using a single press and by the start of the 20th century his printing business (at Valovaia and Piatnitskaia streets) was the largest private ...
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Publisher: Iskusstvo (Art Publishing House), Moscow-Leningrad — Искусство, Москва-Ленинград
Iskusstvo was the Art Publishing House (A.K.A. Visual Arts Publishing) that was created in 1936 from Ogiz-Izogiz (State Art and Literature Publishing House). It disseminated books and journals dealing with graphic design and the fine arts, and it issued numerous posters. Since the Iskusstvo banner was part of the State Printing Works in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) and Moscow, its two main offices were located in those two cities.
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