[Pending translation (Без Перевода)]
Poster Number: PP 1232
Poster Notes: Posters are in Azerbaijani or Turkmen languages, should you know the English translation, contact the webmaster; Posters were likely produced by "Khudagit", an artist's collective in Baku that was under AzNarkompros (Azerbaijani Commissariat of Education); (Flag at top right) “3rd International”.
Media Size: 44x21.5
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: c.1921
Catalog Notes: Unassigned Poster (pending translation)
USSR Region: Azerbaijan SSR
Language: Azerbaijani
Additional Languages: Turkmen
Artist: Agitprop (Agitation and Propaganda Department) — Агитпроп-oтдел (Агитационно-пропагандистский отдел Центрального комитета, РКП (б))
The task of disseminating political information fell to the Agitation and Propaganda Department (Agitprop) of the Communist Party’s Central Committee. Agitprop was formed in 1920 and it was placed under Glavpolitprosvet (Main Department for Political Education). Early-on, the term Agitprop described a politically-themed theatrical performance, but over time, the term later described a variety of art developed for political education. Agitprop relied on artists working as a collective in addition to working under the notion th...
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Printer: Printer not indicated —
Publisher: Agitprop (Agitation and Propaganda Department) Publishing House — Агитпроп-oтдел (Агитационно-пропагандистский отдел Центрального комитета, РКП (б))
Circulating political information was the task of the Communist Party’s Central Committee department of Agitprop (Agitation and Propaganda). The department was formed in 1920 and it was placed under the auspices of Glavpolitprosvet (Main Department for Political Education). Early-on, the term Agitprop was used to describe a politically-themed theatrical performance. Gradually, its meaning changed and it later was used to describe a variety of art developed for political education. Agitprop relied on a collective of ar...
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