Long live the Equality of Women of the Socialist Country!
[Quote from Stalin] “We must greet the growing social activism of working women and their promotion into managerial posts as an indubitable sign of the maturation of our kul'turnost'.”
[Text inside gold box] In the USSR, labor is a matter of honor, a matter of glory, and a matter of valor and heroism.
[Quote from article 122 of USSR Constitution] “The woman in the USSR is granted equal rights to the man in all areas of economic, governmental, cultural, and social-political life.”
[Quote from Stalin] “Women on the collective farms are a major force.” – I. Stalin
[Airplane] “Motherland”
[Signs on buildings] Kindergarten, Maternity Ward No. 32, Daycares
[Red Cross Worker] Strengthen the Sanitary Defenses of the USSR!