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Only soviet rule can lead working masses to light and enlightenment. [Posted by] the Club Section of the Extramural Department of the Commissariat of Public Education.

Poster Number: PP 139
Poster Notes: [Bottom, lower left] Workers of all countries, unite!; [On building] Soviet Power / knowledge; The Worker's Club Sections of the People’s Commissariat for Public Education was in Petrograd (Saint Petersburg); The Club Section of the People’s Commissariat was in Petrograd (Saint Petersburg) and this poster likely was issued during the unification period of the state's educational institutions.
Media Size: 46.5x31
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: c.1918
Catalog Notes: PP 139 Education and Literacy
Artist: Artist Unknown — неизвестный художник
The artist's name on the poster is not indicated. By assigning Artist Unknown to a poster it also could mean the artist used a chop mark whereby no signature is seen thus rendering the artist's identity anonymous.
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Printer: 2nd State Lithography Workshop, [Petrograd] — 2-я государственная литография, [Петроград]
The 2nd State Lithography Workshop was located at 8 Griaznaia Street in Petrograd (St. Petersburg). Prior to its nationalization in 1920, the workshop was the St. Petersburg headquarters of Wilhelm Wefers & Company, a German printing firm. In 1930, the printer was managed by the Lenpoligraf (Leningrad Printing) Trust, and in 1931 it was transferred to the Publishing House of the Executive Committee of the Lenoblsoviet (Leningrad regional council) and Lensoviet (Leningrad city council). During the 1950s, Griaznaia Street ...
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Publisher: Narkompros (People’s Commissariat for Education) — Наркомпрос
The People's Commissariat for Education (Narkompros) was formed in 1918 and it encompassed the former Imperial Ministry of Public Education, the State Education Committee, and the former Palace Ministry (an entity that managed theaters, the Academy of Arts and the royal palaces). Overseeing Narkompros was the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK). As the main educational branch of the government, Narkompros carried out a compliment of programs such as the combating of illiteracy, professional education, adult education, ...
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