Master the great theory of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin!
Poster Number: PP 1066
Category: Education & Literacy
Poster Notes:
[Quote at lower left] "We must ensure that the vanguard young person of our country, if he wants to be in the lead, studies Marxism-Leninism, studies the works of Comrade Stalin, studies meticulously and persistently. Only knowledge of Marxism-Leninism, the production among our youth of a Marxist worldview can forge young revolutionaries, idealistically dedicated to the cause of the Bolshevik Party, the cause of Lenin and Stalin, and living a rich spiritual life.” --(Kosarev)
Aleksandr Vasil'evich Kosarev (here quoted) was head of the Komsomol from 1929 to 1938. Arrested in 1938 and convicted as an “enemy of he people”; he was executed in 1939.
Media Size: 39x26
Poster Type: Lithograph and Offset
Publishing Date: 1935
Editorial Information: Editor Nikitin; Technical Editor Strukov
Technical Information on Poster: Izogiz No. 8187; Order No. 3361; Submitted for production November 10, 1935; Approved for printing November 21, 1935; Standard format 62 x 94 - 1 sheet of paper; Price 80 kopeks. Printed on an offset rotary press at Gudok Printing and Typography.
Print Run: 150,000
Glavlit Directory Number: B-11921
Catalog Notes: PP 1066 Education and Literacy
Artist: Ivanov, Viktor Semenovich — Иванов, Виктор Семёнович
Viktor Semenovich Ivanov attended Moscow Secondary Professional Art School from 1926 to 1929. In 1928, he took classes at a studio of Dmitrii Kardovskii the Russian artist, illustrator and stage designer, and from 1929 to 1933, Ivanov continued his education at the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture that was affiliated with the Russian Academy of Arts of Leningrad. In 1931, Viktor Ivanov began designing for the state publishing house Ogiz-Izogiz where he achieved acclaim as a prolific artist whose concentration ...
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Printer: Gudok Typography Workshop, Moscow — Типография Гудок, Москва
Gudok is the Russian word for whistle and it was also the name given to the railway industry newspaper in the Soviet Union. The newspaper's printing workshop was in Moscow at 7 Stankevich Street (formerly Voznesenskii Lane), a street named after Alexander Stankevich (1821-1912), the Russian writer, biographer and publisher. From the end of the nineteenth century until 1918, the location served as the printing house and editorial offices of the liberal newspaper "Russian News" (...
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Publisher: Ogiz-IzoGiz, Moscow-Leningrad — Огиз-Изогиз, Москва-Ленинград
Ogiz was the Association of the State Book and Magazine Publishers. Its main offices were located in Moscow and in Leningrad. The Sovnarkom of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic established Ogiz in 1930 to centralize publishing activities under a state monopoly in order to eliminate duplication of printed material, streamline and control publishing production and output, and to create a base for marketing books, training and technical manuals. In 1931, the Central Committee of the USSR ...
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