March 8th. Women workers of all countries, advance under the banners of the Comintern to a worldwide October.
Poster Number: PP 595
Category: Women
Poster Notes: Poster commemorates March 8th, the International Day of Women. In the USSR, traditional Mother's Day was banned and March 8th honored motherhood as well as female political and social achievements.
Media Size: 45.5x31
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: c.1930
Technical Information on Poster: "From the originals of the artists Magidson, Starodub and Khokhlova". Price 50 kopeks.
Print Run: 20,000
Glavlit Directory Number: A-38834
Catalog Notes: PP 595 Women (foamcore)
Artist: Magidson, Adriana Solomonovna — Магидсон, Адриана Соломоновна
Adriana Solomonovna Magidson was a painter, a graphic artist, theatrical artist, and a designer of Soviet propaganda posters. She was a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR and a member of the A.Kh.R.R. (Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia). In her youth, she studied at VKUTEMAS (Higher Art and Technical Studios) in Moscow. While a student, she participated in an internship at the Bolshoi Theater working in their decoration ...
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Artist: Khokhlova, Anna Pavlovna — Хохлова, Анна Павловна
Anna Pavlovna Khokhlova worked in the field of decorative and applied arts. Posters were likely just a sideline since there is no published information about the artist having a long-lasting graphic design career. Khokhlova was born into a family of icon painters from Palekh, a town east of Moscow. Historically, the town was a hub for religious icon design and for the creation of lacquered miniature art called Palekh. From 1933 to 1938 Anna Khokhlova studied under ...
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Artist: Starodub — Стародуб
Printer: Sovkino (Soviet Cinema) Typolithograhy — Типо-литография Совкино
Sovkino was established in December 1924 as the All-Russian Photographic and Industrial Joint-Stock Company. Initially formed as a distribution outlet for motion pictures, Sovkino established a network of its own theaters across the USSR. It also created a film production division and became the leading studio in the nation. Sovkino was dissolved when state-supported film production shifted to Soiuzkino in May 1930. Motion picture posters were handled by Reklamfil'm, the office responsible for designing, approving and distributing ...
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Publisher: A.Kh.R. (Association of Artists of the Revolution) — А.Х.Р (Ассоциация Художников Революции)
The Association of Artists of the Revolution was an artist cooperative from 1928 to 1932. From 1922-1928 it was called the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia. During the 1920s, the Association rose to prominence in the Soviet art world. It opened branches throughout the USSR, and it operated its own publishing house in Moscow at 25 Tsvetnoi Boulevard. The Association was abolished in 1932 when the government centralized a majority of independent arts organizations in the USSR.
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