March 8th [International Women's Day], a day of celebration of the fighting forces of the working women and peasants of all countries.
Poster Number: PP 339
Category: Women
Media Size: 43.5x30
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: c.1924
Technical Information on Poster: Inventory No. 5481; Printed on an Offset press
Print Run: 10,000
Glavlit Directory Number: 14368. Mosgublit, Moscow provincial office section of Glavlit
Sources & Citation: Radó, S. (1928). Guide-book to the Soviet Union, issued by the Society for Cultural Relations of the Soviet Union with Foreign Countries. Berlin: Neuer Deutscher Verlag.
Catalog Notes: PP 339 Women
Artist: Proletkult (Proletarian Culture) Studios — Пролетарская Культура (Пролеткульт)
Proletarskaia Kultura (Proletarian Culture) was known by its portmanteau name, Proletkult. Created in 1917 by Alexandr Bogdanov, director of the Socialist Academy of Social Sciences (SAON); Proletkult was to provide the foundations of a new, worker-based art form, "liberated from bourgeois, pre-Soviet culture." Proletkult's manifesto was simple: 1) proletarian culture equals communism, 2) Proletkult is the responsibility of the Russian Communist Party, 3) proletariat class equals the Russian Communist Party that equals Soviet power. Mass-production and machine ...
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Printer: Typolithography of Geokartprom of the V.T.U. (Military Topographic Directorate of the Soviet Army), Moscow — Типо-Литография Геокартпрома В.Т.У. (Военно-топографическое управление), Москва
In 1918, the Soviets nationalized the Moscow printing works of brothers Wilhelm Theodor Mehnert and Herman Julius Mehnert at 9 Bol'shaia Polianka (later named Soviet Street). The building housing the printer was first occupied by the Julius Kirsten printing firm. Upon its nationalization, the Soviets placed Mehnert printing under Geokartprom, a State-owed trust of the Commissariat of Defense that centralized government-mapping projects. Geokartprom printed atlases and maps solely for military and government use. While it did map ...
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Publisher: M.K.V.K.P. (Moscow Committee of the All-Union Communist Party Bolsheviks) — МКВКП(б)
The Moscow Committee was the main seat of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union and their offices were located at 15 Bolshaia Dmitrovka Street in Moscow. Historically, in 1918 when the Bolsheviks became the ruling party of Russia, they changed their party's name to the All-Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik). In 1925, the Party accorded themselves the title of the All-Union Communist Party. In 1952, they once again changed their title to become the Communist Party of the Soviet ...
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