Long live the October that has liberated women! 1917-1927. 10 Years
Poster Number: PP 646
Category: Revolution
Media Size: storage
Poster Type: Lithograph and Offset
Publishing Date: 1927
Technical Information on Poster: No. 22814
Print Run: 35,000
Glavlit Directory Number: 47613. Lengublit, Leningrad provincial section of Glavlit
Catalog Notes: PP 646 Revolution (framed)
Artist: Kuvan, P... (Illegible) — Куван, П...(неразборчивое имя)
Printer: State Typography Workshop named for Ivan Fedorov, Leningrad — Государственная типография имени Ивана Федорова, Ленинград
The State Typography Workshop named for Ivan Fedorov was located at 11 Zvenigorodskaia Street in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). Ivan Fedorov (c.1525-1583) is historically referred to as the first Russian printer. From 1902 to 1918, the printing workshop was owned by Roman Golike and Artur Vil’borg. After being nationalized shortly after the October Revolution, the printer became the 15th State Typogaphy. In 1922, the workshop was assigned to the printing trust of Petropechat', and was named in honor of...
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Publisher: State Publishing House, Leningrad — Государственное издательство, Ленинград
The State Publishing House had its origins in Imperial Russia as the Royal Print Yard in St. Petersburg. After the Soviets nationalized the print yard in 1917, that action formed the Publishing House of the Petrograd Soviet directed by the Literary and Publishing Department of People's Commissariat for Education. In 1919, the State Publishing House in St. Petersburg changed its name to Petrogosizdat (Petrograd State Publishing) and in 1924, it was named Lengosizdat (Leningrad State Publishing, a.k....
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