Long Live the Bolshevik Party, the Lenin-Stalin Party, the Vanguard of the Soviet People Forged in Battle, the Inspiration and Organizer of Our Victories!
Poster Number: PP 1112
Category: Stalin
Poster Notes: Leaders depicted from left to right are: Nikita Khrushchev, Georgii Malenkov, Andrei Andreev, Lazar Kaganovich, Stalin, Nikolai Shvernik, Lavrentiy Beria, Vyacheslav Molotov (wearing eye glasses), Anastas Mikoyan, Nikolai Bulganin (at rear in uniform), Aleksei Kosygin (between Mikoyan and Bulganin) and Kliment Voroshilov (at front in uniform); the poster's bottom margin has been cut.
Media Size: 34x23.5
Poster Type: Lithograph and Offset
Publishing Date: 1950
Catalog Notes: PP 1112 Stalin c
Artist: Pravdin-Rykhlov, Vladislav Grigor'evich — Правдин-Рыхлов, Владислав Григорьевич
Vladislav Grigor'evich Pravdin attended the Ogiz Printing Technical School in Moscow and began exhibiting professionally in 1938. In 1940, he graduated from the Moscow Fine Art Institute and upon graduation, he lived and worked in Moscow. He joined the Grekov Studio of Military Art in 1943 and practiced there until 1969. During World War II, Pravdin created a number of battlefield sketches during his time at the front. With his wife Zoia Pravdina, he designed over a dozen military-themed ...
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Printer: Printer not indicated —
Publisher: Iskusstvo (Art Publishing House), Moscow-Leningrad — Искусство, Москва-Ленинград
Iskusstvo was the Art Publishing House (A.K.A. Visual Arts Publishing) that was created in 1936 from Ogiz-Izogiz (State Art and Literature Publishing House). It disseminated books and journals dealing with graphic design and the fine arts, and it issued numerous posters. Since the Iskusstvo banner was part of the State Printing Works in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) and Moscow, its two main offices were located in those two cities.
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