…Let’s put the USSR into cars and farmers on tractors… (Stalin). 5 years of AVTODOR. For a multimillion AVTODOR
Poster Number: PP 567
Category: Industry
Poster Notes: AVTODOR (Society for the Promotion of Motoring and Improvement of Roads) was an early Soviet organization that managed road construction. The entity was dissolved in 1935.
Media Size: 47x32.5
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: 1932
Technical Information on Poster: Order No. 831, Dzerzhinskii Chromolit. Kharkov. [Issued by Chromolithography Workshop of UPO (Fire Control Protection)]
Glavlit Directory Number: 6970. Ukrlit, Ukrainian section of Glavlit
Catalog Notes: PP 567 Industry b
Language: Ukrainian
Artist: Aleksandrov (Selezen'), Aleksandr Ivanovich — Александров (Селезень), Александр Иванович
From 1904 to 1914, Aleksandr Aleksandrov Selezen’ studied at the Kharkov Art School. He began to exhibit his works starting in 1917, in Sebastopol. During the Russian Civil War, he fought in the Red Army, and during this period, he produced posters, portraits and theater decorations. After the war, he worked at various Ukrainian publishing houses. He created paintings, such as Geroicheskii Donbass v 1919 [The Heroic Donbass in 1919] and Pushkin szhigaet svoi manuskripty [Pushkin Burns his Manuscripts] (1937), among ot...
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Artist: Kirillov, S. — Кириллов, С.
Printer: Chromolit Lithography Workshop named for Comrade Dzerzhinskii, Kharkov — Хромолит Типо-литография имени т. Дзержинского, Харьков
Located in Kharkov in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic; the Chromolit Lithography was named in honor of Feliks Edmundovich Dzerzhinskii (1877-1926) who was head of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK) internal police who were commonly referred to as the “Cheka”. During its history, the printer was also named the 1st Chromolit Lithography and it was overseen by the printing trust UPKPT (Management of Production and Technical Equipment).
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Publisher: Publisher not indicated —