Poster Number: PP 545
Category: Lenin
Media Size: 42.5x31
Poster Type: Offset
Publishing Date: 1969
Editorial Information: Editor Z. Kondrat’eva.
Technical Information on Poster: October 23, 1968. Publication No. 1-811. Volume 1 sheet of paper. Order No. 1190. Price 10 kopeks. 8-2-2/69
Print Run: 350,000
Glavlit Directory Number: A09249
Catalog Notes: PP 545 Lenin
Artist: Ivanov, Viktor Semenovich — Иванов, Виктор Семёнович
Viktor Semenovich Ivanov attended Moscow Secondary Professional Art School from 1926 to 1929. In 1928, he took classes at a studio of Dmitrii Kardovskii the Russian artist, illustrator and stage designer, and from 1929 to 1933, Ivanov continued his education at the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture that was affiliated with the Russian Academy of Arts of Leningrad. In 1931, Viktor Ivanov began designing for the state publishing house Ogiz-Izogiz where he achieved acclaim as a prolific artist whose concentration ...
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Printer: Kalinin City Poligrafkombinat — Полиграфкомбинат, Калинин
The Kalinin Poligrafkombinat (printing plant) was located at 5 Lenin Avenue (formerly Voroshilov Street) in the city of Kalinin (Tver) northwest of Moscow. Throughout its existence, the printer was allocated different names depending on the various state-owned trusts that handled its operations. For example, in the mid-1950s to early 1960s, the plant was a contract printer for Sovnarkhoz RSFSR (Regional Council of National Economy of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic). Sovnarkhoz was an economic ...
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Publisher: Sovietskii Khudozhnik (Soviet Artist), Moscow — Советский художник, Москва
Sovietskii Khudozhnik (Soviet Artist) was a publishing house that chiefly served the Artists’ Union of the USSR. The publishing house was founded in Moscow in 1946 and it turned out illustrated monographs on contemporary artists and collections. It also published art reproductions, postcards and art books, art catalogs, brochures and posters. During a reorganization of the publishing sector in the USSR in 1964, Soviet Artist merged with Izogiz, the fine arts section of Ogiz (Association of the St...
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