KPSS [Communist Party of the Soviet Union] "When we say Lenin we mean the Party”; "When we say the Party we mean Lenin”.
Poster Number: PP 172
Category: Lenin
Media Size: 45x27
Poster Type: Offset
Publishing Date: 1956
Editorial Information: Editor O. Legran
Technical Information on Poster: [Approved] June 18, 1956; Publication No. 1-70; Volume 1 sheet of paper; Order No. 1889; Ministry of Culture USSR Central Administrative Board of the Graphic Arts Industry; Price 1 ruble
Print Run: 300,000
Glavlit Directory Number: Sh07790.
Catalog Notes: PP 172 Lenin
Artist: Smoliak, Nikolai Petrovich — Смоляк, Николай Петрович
Printer: 1st Exemplary Typography Workshop named for A. A. Zhdanov, Moscow — 1-я Образцовая типография им. А.А. Жданова
The 1st Exemplary Typography Workshop was named in honor of Andrei Alexandrovich Zhdanov (1896-1948), a Soviet military leader and a senior member of the Politburo who died in 1948. Reportedly, Andrei Zhdanov controlled the atomic espionage division of the USSR and he was Josef Stalin's closest confidant. Historically, the 1st Exemplary Typography Workshop began as the Sharapov-Sytin Partnerhip, a printing workshop formed before the Russian Revolution. Ivan Dmitrievich Sytin (1851-1934) was the son of a peasant. ...
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Publisher: IzoGiz (State Publishing House of Fine Art), Moscow — Изогиз (Государственное издательство изобразительного искусства), Москва
The history of IzoGiz begins with the formation of Ogiz, the Association of the State Book and Magazine Publishers. In 1930, the Sovnarkom of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic established Ogiz to centralize publishing under a monopoly in order to eliminate duplication of printed material, to streamline and control publishing production and its output, and to create a base for marketing books, training and technical manuals. In 1931, the Central Committee of the USSR ordered certain ...
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