Just so you know, we will honor one person by our labor and another we will sweep away with a steel broom!
Poster Number: PP 354
Category: Industry
Media Size: 32x24.5
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: 1929
Technical Information on Poster: Labor Discipline Series. Poster No. 18. Price 25 kopeks.
Print Run: 15,000
Glavlit Directory Number: A 46216
Catalog Notes: PP 354 Industry
Artist: Ia.Ch. — Я.Ч.
Printer: Tsentrizdat (Central Publishing House of the Peoples of the USSR) — Центриздат (Центральное издательство народов СССР)
Tsentrizdat was established in 1924 to consolidate East and West publishing divisions into one entity. With a focus on literature, political, scientific and educational information in the national languages of the USSR, it had offices throughout the Soviet republics and autonomous regions. Its printing house was located in Moscow along Shliuzovaia Naberezhnaia (Gateway Embankment, i.e. Gateway Passage). Tsentrizdat was dissolved in 1931 when the USSR centralized its printing and publishing industries.
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Publisher: Gostrudizdat (State Publishing House of Labor Issues) — Гострудиздат (Государственное издательство литературы по вопросам труда)
Gostrudizdat (State Publishing House of Labor Issues) was established around 1924 as Labor Issues Publishing in order to disseminate printed material related to labor. Its office was located in Moscow at 6 Staraia (Old) Square in a building that also housed Moscow's Gorkom (city committee) and Obkom (oblast committee). Dominated by government institutions for decades, Staraia Square at one time contained the offices of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the USSR.
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