Glory to the Soviet of the Latvian people who won victory over the forces of German and Japanese imperialist fascism!
Poster Number: PP 765
Category: World War II
Media Size: 39x26
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: 1946
Editorial Information: Editor J. Leli; Technical Editor A. Peterson
Technical Information on Poster: Price 3 rubles
Print Run: 7,000
Glavlit Directory Number: JT03041
Catalog Notes: PP 765 World War II b
USSR Region: Latvian SSR
Language: Latvian
Artist: Zauer, N. (Zauers, N.) — Зауерс, Н.
Printer: VAPP (State Supply and Printing Enterprises Administration) Typography, Riga — ВАПП типолитография, Рига
VAPP (State Supply and Printing Enterprises Administration) Typography, Valsts apgādniecību un poligrāfisko uzņēmumu pārvaldes in Latvian was a printing trust created in 1941 with support from the Soviet Union and via Decree of the Latvian SSR People's Council of Commissars. VAPP controlled the stationary (paper) distribution, book selling repositories and nearly all printing and publishing operations within the Latvian SSR. Its headquarters were located at 11 Moskovskaia Street (today Teatrealnaia Street) in Rig...
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Publisher: VAPP (State Supply and Printing Enterprises Administration), Riga — ВАПП, художественное издательство
VAPP (State Supply and Printing Enterprises Administration) -- Valsts apgādniecību un poligrāfisko uzņēmumu pārvaldes in Latvian -- was founded in January 1941 with support from the Soviet Union via Decree of the Latvian SSR People's Council of Commissars. VAPP controlled the paper distribution, book selling repositories, and nearly all printing and publishing operations within the Latvian SSR. Its headquarters were located at 11 Moskovskaia Street (today Teatrealnaia Street) in Riga.
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