Glory to the party of Lenin! Glory to the hero-people, to the creator-people!
Poster Number: PP 650
Category: Workers
Media Size: 52x32
Poster Type: Offset
Publishing Date: 1957
Editorial Information: Editor V. Lapshin; Technical Editor M. Gammer
Technical Information on Poster: [Approved] May 6, 1957; Publication No. 1-467; Order No. 452; 1 sheet of paper; Price 1 ruble
Print Run: 250,000
Glavlit Directory Number: Sh-04383
Catalog Notes: PP 650 Workers (framed)
Artist: Ivanov, Konstantin Konstantinovich — Иванов, Константин Константинович
Konstantin Konstantinovich Ivanov received his initial art instruction from his father, the noted graphic artist Konstantin L. Ivanov. Formal instruction began in 1933 when Konstantin Konstantinovich attended an art school in Leningrad. It was from that point on that he dedicated his life to graphic design. During World War II, Konstantin Ivanov served on the front line while contributing to posters designed by the TASS (Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union) Studios. In 1949, he began professionally ...
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Artist: Briskin, Veniamin Markovich — Брискин, Вениамин Маркович
Veniamin Briskin studied at the Kharkov Institute of Fine Arts from 1921 to 1925. During his training, Briskin specialized in book illustration and poster design. Moving to Moscow in 1932, he worked for the satirical journal Krokodil [Crocodile] until 1933. In 1934, he began his life-long tenure at the Soviet newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda [Komsomol Truth] and in 1956, he joined the artistic staff of the leading Soviet newspaper, Pravda [Truth], where he produced caricatures and illustrations. Briskin illustrated a myriad of...
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Printer: Leningrad Offset Printing Plant — Ленинградское Офсетная типография
The Leningrad Offset Printing Plant was located near Kronverkskaia and Mir Streets in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). Historically, the printer had roots in Imperial Russia as a large operation founded in 1881 by Theodore Kibbel (Fedor Fyodorovich Kibbel') until it was nationalized by the Soviets in 1917. After its initial nationalization, the printer's management (via a series of government-controlled printing trusts) and its name both changed over the decades until it ultimately became the Leningrad Offset Printing Plant ...
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Publisher: IzoGiz (State Publishing House of Fine Art), Moscow — Изогиз (Государственное издательство изобразительного искусства), Москва
The history of IzoGiz begins with the formation of Ogiz, the Association of the State Book and Magazine Publishers. In 1930, the Sovnarkom of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic established Ogiz to centralize publishing under a monopoly in order to eliminate duplication of printed material, to streamline and control publishing production and its output, and to create a base for marketing books, training and technical manuals. In 1931, the Central Committee of the USSR ordered certain ...
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