For 600,000 physical culturalists on the Don!
Poster Number: PP 218
Category: Communist Culture
Poster Notes: This poster highlights accomplishments of voluntary sports societies of the DSO SSR (Dobrovol'nyye sportivnyye obshchestva SSR). Banners of sport clubs in USSR are: Dinamo (Soviet State Security), Trudovye Rezervy (All-Union Voluntary Sport Society of Trade Unions); Burevestnik (All-Union Voluntary Sport Society of Students and Teachers); Lokomotiv (All-Union Voluntary Sports Society of Rail Transport Workers' Trade Unions), Nauka (All-Union Voluntary Sports Society of Employees of Higher Education and Science); Spartak (All-Union Voluntary Sports Society of Trade Unions). The award on the poster is for the All-Union Physical Culture Training Program 2nd Class variation. It reads: “Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR” (Gotov k trudu i oborone SSSR).
Media Size: 36.5x27.5
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: c. 1940
Editorial Information: Editor R. I. Taraev.
Technical Information on Poster: Order No. …. [illegible text]. Price 2 rubles.
Print Run: 10,000
Glavlit Directory Number: PK27198
Catalog Notes: PP 218 Communist Culture
Artist: Zubarev, Pavel Pavlovich — Зубарев, Павел Павлович
From 1914 to 1916, Zubarev studied in the art studios of Novorossiysk, a port city on the Black Sea in southern Russia. The artist lived and worked in Rostov for the majority of his life. Early in his career, he designed caricatures for Za mir i trud [For peace and labor] and Krasnyi kavalerist [Red cavalryman], the newspapers of the Red Army's 1st Cavalry. Zubarev participated in Republican and All-Union poster exhibitions in the USSR.
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Printer: Chromolithography named for Il'ich of Oblpoligrafizdat, Rostov-On-Don — Хромолитография им. Ильича Облполиграфиздат в Ростове-на-Дону
The chromolithography named for Il'ich was named in honor of Vladimir Il'ich Lenin. It was under the state-owned trust of Oblpoligrafizdat (Regional Department for the Printing and Publishing Industry). The printer was located in Rostov-On-Don, a city in southern Russia.
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