Female proletarian to new victories! For technology, culture, for a new life.
Poster Number: PP 1116
Category: Women
Media Size: 58.5x43
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: 1933
Editorial Information: Editor V. Kaslian; Technical Editor P. Radomishel's'kii.
Technical Information on Poster: Submitted for printing January 12, 1933; Approved for printing January 25, 1933; Approved by Golovlit January 11, 1933; page format 72x110 805/429; Order No. 23; Price 2 rubles, 50 kopeks.
Print Run: 10,000
Glavlit Directory Number: 8619. Golovlit, city section of Glavlit in Ukraine
Catalog Notes: PP 1116 Women (OS)
USSR Region: Ukrainian SSR
Language: Ukrainian
Artist: Volkova, Marina Isaevna — Волкова, Марина Исаевна
Marina Isaevna Volkova was a Soviet painter and graphic artist. From 1927 to 1931, she studied at the Kharkov Art Institute under Ivan V. Boichenko and Alexei A. Kokel. In 1932, Volkova moved to Moscow where she began her career in propaganda and mass art. Throughout the 1930s, she worked in the field of political posters as a designer for Iskusstvo (Art) Publishing House. Beginning in 1933, Volkova began exhibiting her work professionally. She was a featured artist in ...
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Printer: Chromolit Lithography Workshop named for Comrade Dzerzhinskii, Kharkov — Хромолит Типо-литография имени т. Дзержинского, Харьков
Located in Kharkov in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic; the Chromolit Lithography was named in honor of Feliks Edmundovich Dzerzhinskii (1877-1926) who was head of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK) internal police who were commonly referred to as the “Cheka”. During its history, the printer was also named the 1st Chromolit Lithography and it was overseen by the printing trust UPKPT (Management of Production and Technical Equipment).
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Publisher: Mistetstvo (Art Publishing House), Ukrainian SSR — Мистецтво (Искусство издательство Госкомиздата УССР)
Mistetstvo (Art Publishing House) was founded in Kharkov (Ukrainian SSR) between 1932-'34. It moved to Kiev in 1935. The publisher's chief output comprised of posters, portraits, artistic monographs and sheet music.
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