Come to the mines of Soiuzzoloto [Union-Gold], there, every prospector will find work and collaboration!
Poster Number: PP 1138
Category: Workers
Poster Notes: Letters "DV" on the poster denote Dal'nii Vostok, the Far Eastern Region in Siberia, an area where mining of minerals was carried out; [Logo upper right] "All-Union Joint-Stock Company Zolotopromyshlennoe" [Gold Production]; [At right] "For more information and explanation, contact the offices of Union-Gold, located in all prospective districts of the Far Eastern Region."
Media Size: 41x28
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: 1928
Technical Information on Poster: Order No. 4732
Print Run: 1,000
Glavlit Directory Number: 587. Okrlit, district section of Glavlit
Catalog Notes: PP 1138 Workers b
Artist: Nikolaev, M. — Николаев, М.
Printer: Typolithography of Knizhnoe Delo (Book Business) Joint-Stock Company, Khabarovsk — Типо-литография акционерного общества Книжное дело, Хабаровск
Located in Khabarovsk in Far Eastern Russia, the Typolithography of Knizhnoe Delo (Book Business) printed material for the Joint-Stock Company of Knizhnoe Delo. In October 1923 in Khabarovsk, Knizhnoe Delo was formed, and its creation was based on the existing state publishing entity of Goskniga (State Book Enterprise).
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