Carry your paper money to the Potrebilovka Cooperative. And you will save money and will help us finance the purchase of merchandise. [Partial translation]
Poster Number: PP 773
Category: Economy
Poster Notes: A potrebilovka was a consumer society store that existed in the USSR during the 1920s and 1930s.
Media Size: 32х24
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: c.1927
Print Run: 10,000
Glavlit Directory Number: 62951
Catalog Notes: PP 773 Economy b
Artist: Biriukov, V. — Бирюков, В.
Printer: 2nd Book Printing Plant of Sevkravkraisoiuz, Rostov-on-Don — 2-е издание книжной базы Севкавкрайсоюза, Ростов-Дон
Located at 59 Budenovskii Street in the city of Rostov-on-Don, the 2nd Book Printing Plant was a contract printer for Sevkravkraisoiuz (North-Caucasus Regional Union of Consumer Societies). According to a 1919 commerce report on the Soviet Union, there were "...3,000 consumers' societies in [the] North Caucasus comprising 1,800,000 individual members...most important of which, practically uniting all the others, is the Rostof-on-Don [sic] Regional Union."
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Publisher: Geokartprom (Military Topographic Directorate) — Геокартпром (Военно-топографического Управления Штаба РККА)
Geokartprom (Military Topographic Directorate) was also known by its complete title, the Union of Production Enterprises of the Military Topographic Directorate of the Headquarters of the Red Army. The entity was developed in the 1920s as a state-owned trust to centralize government-mapping projects. Geokartprom printed atlases and maps solely for military and government use. While it did map geographic locations within the Soviet Union, it also carried out an enormous mapping project of cities throughout ...
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