All people to election meetings. This is your civic duty. "Power must belong wholly and exclusively to the working masses and their elected representatives – Soviets of workers', soldiers’ and Farmers' Deputies!" "The street from the beginning to Weinbaum Alley, polling place number 9" "January 16 of the current year at two o’clock. River Workers' Club [posted by] Red Burlan."
Poster Number: PP 147
Category: Events
Poster Notes: The alley mentioned on this poster was named for Grigory Spiridonovich Weinbaum (1891-1918), a Russian revolutionary, Bolshevik, and a member of the Krasnoiarsk Soviet. He was executed by the Czechoslovak Corps in the Russian Civil War.
Media Size: 36.5x27.5
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: 1927
Print Run: 2,000
Sources & Citation:
Bykonia, G.F., et al. (2013). Krasnoiarsk ot proshlogo k budshchemu: Ocherki istorii goroda Krasnoiarsk: Rastr. (p. 348, bio on Grigorii Weinbaum)
Memo.kraslib.ru Memorial'nyye doski Krasnoiar'ia (Ulitsa nazvana imenem Veinbaum Grigorii Spiridonovich (1891 - 1918))
Catalog Notes: PP 147 Events b
Artist: Vasil'ev — Васильев
Printer: Krasnoiarsk Typo-lithography Workshop — Типо-литография в Красноярске
Little information is available on the Krasnoiarsk Typo-lithography Workshop. It was located in the city of Krasnoiarsk that is situated on the Yenisei River in Siberia.
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