A powerful sea and ocean going fleet for the Soviet Union!
Poster Number: PP 583
Category: Military
Poster Notes: The sea captain wears the Order of the Red Banner on his left side for heroism in combat or long-time service, and on the right he wears the Order of the Red Star for combat service and operational success.
Media Size: 37x27.5
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: 1940
Editorial Information: Editor I. Shatrovskii; Technical Editor A. Rosenberg
Technical Information on Poster: Iskusstvo No. 4814; P-10; Submitted for production June 23, 1940 [and] Approved for printing July 13, 1940; Standard format 62 x 92; Volume 1 sheet of paper; Order No 231; Price 1 ruble.
Print Run: 50,000
Glavlit Directory Number: A-29130
Catalog Notes: PP 583 Military b
USSR Region: Ukrainian SSR
Language: Ukrainian
Artist: Bronfman, M. — Бронфман, М.
Printer: NKMP Lithography Workshop of Ukrpoligraftrust Book and Publishing Plant, Kiev — НКМП УССР Укрполиграфтрест, Литография книжно-журн фабрика, Киев
NKMP (People's Commissariat of Local Industry) utilized the lithography workshop under the management of the Ukrpoligraftrust (Ukrainian Printing Trust). The workshop was located at 59 Henri Barbusse (a.k.a. Vasilii Tiutiunnik) Street in Kiev, the capital of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.
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Publisher: Iskusstvo (Art Publishing House), Moscow-Leningrad — Искусство, Москва-Ленинград
Iskusstvo was the Art Publishing House (A.K.A. Visual Arts Publishing) that was created in 1936 from Ogiz-Izogiz (State Art and Literature Publishing House). It disseminated books and journals dealing with graphic design and the fine arts, and it issued numerous posters. Since the Iskusstvo banner was part of the State Printing Works in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) and Moscow, its two main offices were located in those two cities.
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