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Vladimirov, Vladimir Petrovich

Владимиров, Владимир Петрович

Born December 12, 1920, Moscow, RSFSR; died August 26, 2004, Moscow Region, Russia

Vladimir Petrovich Vladimirov was a Soviet graphic artist. From 1946 to 1951, he studied at MIPIDI (Moscow Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts) under the artist Pavel Petrovich Sokolov-Skalia. Vladimirov worked chiefly as a poster designer. His poster designs were published by Izobrazitel'noe Iskusstvo (Fine Arts) publishing, and he worked with Agitplakat, a poster collective. Additionally, the artist worked as an illustrator for Vneshtorgizdat (All-Union Foreign Trade Publishing), an organization in the USSR that published commerce and tourist advertising materials. Starting in the early 1950s, Vladimirov began exhibiting his work professionally. Throughout his career, he participated in Republican and All-Union art exhibitions and competitions.

A few of his noted poster titles are: "For unbreakable friendship, for new sports achievements!" (1954); "Greetings to the participants of the Spartakiad" (1956); "Unity is a weapon of peace!" (1960); "Glory to the Soviet woman!" (1962); “The advantages of science, advanced experience and new techniques for agricultural industry! (1963, co-designed with Igor' Kominarets); "Labor will be the master of the world!" (1967); "The Borders of the Countries of the Socialist Commonwealth Are Inviolable!" (1973). Vladimir Petrovich Vladimirov was a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR.

Sources & Citations

Glushko, N. N., et al. (2007). Deti-nashe budushchee. Moskva: Rossiiskaia knizhnaia palata. (P. 229, artist’s work cited) (bio) (date of birth)