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Evstaf'ev, Mikhail Il'ich

Евстафьев, Михаил Ильич

Born 1898, (location unknown), Russian Empire; died 1935-39, Moscow, USSR

Mikhail Il'ich Evstaf'ev attended VkhUTEMAS, the Higher Artistic and Technical Workshops for his training. In his professional life, he was engaged in the propaganda arts during the 1920s, working primarily in the Soviet Union. Among his noted posters is “Comrades Peasants! Get ready for the All-Russian Agricultural and Handicraft Exhibition in Moscow” that advertised the 1923 exhibit by illustrating a female peasant carrying over-sized vegetables. Evstaf'ev also partnered with Leonid Alexandrovich Voronov on the design of film posters during the 1920s and 1930s. Their work was represented at the Second Exhibition of Cinema Posters in Moscow in 1926. While Evstaf'ev's death year is recorded as 1935, a publication from the year 2000 cites it as having occurred between 1939 and 1942. The disparity might be due to the fact that Mikhail Evstaf'ev was reportedly arrested during the Stalinist Purges of the 1930s and his outcome is unknown.

Sources & Citations

Russian Posters. (2012). Auction catalogue of Mercer and Middlesex, LLC. New Jersey: Mercer and Middlesex, LLC.
Milner, J. (1993). A dictionary of Russian and Soviet artists 1420-1970. Woodbridge: Antique Collectors' Club. (bio, p. 136)
Arkad’ev, M.P.; & Bubnov, A.S. (1933). Khudozhniki RSFSR za XV let (1917-1932): Katalog vystavki. Moskva: Vsekokhudozhnik. (work of Evstaf'ev and Voronov cited) (bio, Evstaf'ev)