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Vseizdat (All-Ukrainian Publishing House)

Всеиздат (Всеукраинское издательство)

In the aftermath of the Russian Civil War, Bolshevik authorities centralized all publishing outlets of the newly-formed Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. As a result of centralization, Vseizdat (All-Ukrainian Publishing House) was created in the spring of 1919. By the end of 1920, all independent publishing in Ukraine was placed under the control of Vseizdat. By 1921, private publishing in the republic ceased to exist. Vseizdat was part of the People's Commissariat for Education and its editorial and literary branches had the authority to direct the publication of books, brochures, posters, and other literature. In 1922, Vseizdat was reorganized into the State Publishing House of Ukraine.


Velychenko, S. (2019). Propaganda in revolutionary Ukraine: Leaflets, pamphlets, and cartoons, 1917-1922. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (pp. 76, 129, Vseizdat organization)
Babiukh, V.A. (2012). Politicheskaya tsenzura v sovetskoy Ukraine v 1920-1930-ye gg. Kazan': Knitu Izdatelstvo KNITU. (pp. 85, 86, Vseizdat organization)
Vsesoiuznaia knizhnaia palata (1968). Kniga. Izdatelstvo Kniga (Vol. 17, P. 233, Vseizdat into State Publishing House of Ukraine)