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Proletar (Proletarian) Publishing House, Kharkov/Kiev

Издательство Пролетар, Харьков/Киев

Proletar (Proletarian) Publishing House was established in 1922 by the Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. The publisher was situated in Kharkov. It chiefly disseminated political literature and titles concerning economics, law and sociology. In addition, it served as the publishing arm of the Communist Party and in that role, it published a variety of titles by prominent Party members and international communist leaders, in addition to turning out a comprehensive history on the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and the Ukrainian language edition of the works of Vladimir Lenin. In 1930, Proletar became an extension of the State Publishing Association of Ukraine (DVOU) in the period when all publishing and printing was consolidated in the USSR. In 1934, its operations moved to Kiev. After a series of administrative re-configurations, the publisher was named Politvydav Ukraini (Political Publishing House of Ukraine) in 1964. In 1991, following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the publishing house was dissolved.


Govorov, A. A., Kupriinova, T. G. (2001). Istoriia knigi. Moskva: Svetoton (P. 288, State Publishing Association of Ukraine (DVU))
Osipov, V.O. (1977). Knizhnaia torgovliia: Opyt, problemy, issledovaniia, Vol. 4. Kniga: Moskva. (Proletar Publishing House history cited) (Proletar's history cited under heading for Ukraine Political Publication)