Nauka i Izkustvo (Science and Art State Publishing House), Bulgaria
Located in Sofia, Bulgaria, the origin of Nauka i Izkustvo (Science and Art State Publishing House) dates to at least the early 1950s. The publisher disseminated a variety of content over the years including topics on history, sociological science, natural science, motion pictures, music and theater. While its productivity was chiefly literature, occasionally the publisher emitted posters and ephemera.
Nagy, P., Rouyer, P., Rubin, D. (2016). World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Theatre: Volume 1: Europe. London: Routledge. (An e-book that cites publisher’s content on theater)
Kirilov, K. S. (2015). Bulgarian harmony: In village, wedding, and choral music of the last century. Burlington, VT: Ashgate. (P. 757, mentions Nauka i Izkustvo publishing Bulgarian folk music from 1954-1961)
National Science Foundation, Battelle Memorial Inst. (1962). A Guide to the scientific and technical literature of Eastern Europe. Washington: U.S. Gov. Print. Office. (P. 1, mention of publisher Nauka i Izkustvo)