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Glavkomtrud (Main Committee on Universal Compulsory Labor) Agitation and Publication

Главкомтруд (Главный комитет по проведению всеобщей трудовой повинности) Агитация и публикации

Glavkomtrud (Main Committee on Universal Compulsory Labor) was established in 1920 during the Russian Civil War to mobilize labor troops to help win the war for the Bolsheviks and rebuild damaged infrastructure. It was divided into provincial branches called Кomtruds (Labor Committees). Both Glavkomtrud and the komtruds were interdepartmental organizations devised for coordinating mandatory labor conscription. Additionally, Glavkomtrud reigned-in labor desertion at factories and trade unions.


Bunyan, J. (1987). The origin of forced labor in the Soviet State 1917-1921: Documents and materials. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press.
Gleason, A. (1985). Bolshevik culture: Experiment and order in the Russian Revolution. Bloomington: Indiana Univ.
Heldman, D. C. (1977). Trade unions and labor relations in the USSR. Washington D.C: Council on American Affairs.