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Central Agricultural Bank of the USSR

Центральным сельскохозяйственным банком Союза ССР

In 1924, agricultural credit was organized in the USSR when the Central Agricultural Bank was formed. In 1930, the government re-organized the credit system and the nation's banking system thereby halting commercial credit. Reorganization ended the era of the local banking institution in the USSR. With centralization of credit complete, the Central Agricultural Bank of the USSR was restructured. It became the Cooperative Collective Union Agricultural Bank. Subsidiaries of the Cooperative Collective Union were in the Russian and Ukrainian Republics and were subordinate to Gosbank, the USSR's state banking system.


Podolski, T. M. (1973). Socialist banking and monetary control: The experience of Poland. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press. (Central Agricultural Bank of the USSR mentioned)
Baykov, A. (1948). The development of the Soviet economic system: An essay on the experience of planning in the U.S.S.R. Cambridge: Univ. Press. (Central Agricultural Bank of the USSR formation)
Arnold, A. E. (1937). Banks, credit, and money in Soviet Russia. Columbia. (Central Agricultural Bank of the USSR and USSR banking system history)