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Work and Study [Partial translation]

Número de Cartel: PP 1193
Información sobre el cartel: The newspaper "Work and Study" was a publication issued by the Penza provincial committee of the All-Union Communist Party. The periodical was titled "Under the Banner of Leninism" prior to 1927.
Tamaño: 16x22
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: c.1928
Número de Glavlit: 146. Penza Gublit, provincial section of Glavlit

Zhatkin, D. N., & Doroshin, B. A. (1998). Istoriia sredstv massovoi informatsii Penzenskogo kraia: Uchebnoe posobie. Penza: Izd-vo Penzenskogo gos. pedagog. univ. (P. 150, mention of name change in 1928) (mention of Penza provincial committee of the All-Union Communist Party)

En el catologo: PP 1193 Education & Literacy
Artista: Illegible Name — Неразборчивое Имя
Imprenta: Typolithography Workshop named for V.V. Vorovskii, Moscow — Типо-литография им. Воровского, Москва
The Typolithography Workshop named for V.V. Vorovskii was named in honor of Vatslav Vatslavovich Vorovskii (1871-1923) who was the head of Gosizdat (State Publishing House) from 1919 to 1920. After leaving Gosizdat, Vorovskii served as a diplomat for the Soviet Union. In 1923, he was assassinated in Lausanne, Switzerland. The printing house bearing his name was located in Moscow at 18 Dzerzhinskii Street, a thoroughfare that later was named Bolshaia Lubianka.
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Editorial: Publisher not indicated —