¡Viva el gran partido de Lenin-Stalin que es el líder y organizador de la triunfante construcción del comunismo!
Número de Cartel: PP 396
Categoría: Stalin
Información sobre el cartel: This poster is oversized. Poster is in Kazakh language.
Tamaño: 57x38
Tipo de cartel: Litografía y Offset
Fecha de publicación: 1937
Editores: Editor E. Povolotskaia; Technichal Editor M. Rovenskii; Editor of Translation into Kazakh language, Espatirov
Información técnica: Izogiz 8938; Order No. 783; Submitted for production October 11, 1937 [and] Approved for printing October 26, 1937; Standard format 72 x 104; Volume 2 sheets of paper; Price 1 ruble 40 kopeks; [Printed at] 3 Mir Street
Ediciones: 10,000
Número de Glavlit: B-31754
En el catologo: PP 396 Stalin (oversized)
Región de la URSS: RSS de Kazajistán
Idioma: Kazako
Artista: Stenberg, Vladimir Avgustovich (Stenberg brothers) — Стенберг, Владимир Августович (братья Стенберги)
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Imprenta: 24th Lithography Workshop of the Poligrafkniga Trust of Ogiz, Leningrad — 24-я типография ОГИЗа РСФСР треста Полиграфкнига, Ленинград
The 24th Lithography Workshop was located at Kronverkskaia and Mir Streets in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). Historically, the workshop had its roots in Imperial Russia and it was a large printing operation founded in 1881 by Theodore Kibbel (a.k.a. Fedor Fyodorovich Kibbel). Shortly after the printer was nationalized by the Soviets, it became the 1st State Lithography Workshop. In 1924, the workshop was named in honor of Mikhail Pavlovich Tomskii (1880-1936), head of the Soviet trade ...
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Editorial: Ogiz-IzoGiz, Moscow-Leningrad — Огиз-Изогиз, Москва-Ленинград
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