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Número de Cartel: PP 303
Información sobre el cartel: Este cartel está escrito en uzbeko. Si conoce su traducción, por favor, póngase en contacto con el administrador de este sitio web.
Tamaño: 43x31.5
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: c.1932
Número de Glavlit: 1/P. Uzlit, Uzbekistan section of Glavlit
En el catologo: PP 303 Economy
Región de la URSS: RSS de Uzbekistán
Idioma: Uzbeco
Artista: Pending Translation — Без Перевода
Imprenta: Typolithography of Pravda Vostoka (Truth of the East), Tashkent — Типо-литография Правда Востока, Ташкент
As the newspaper of the Communist Party of the Turkestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Pravda Vostoka (Truth of the East) began as Turkmenskaia Pravda (Turkmen Truth). In 1924-25, the newspaper name was changed to Pravda Vostoka and its circulation was expanded into Central Asia. Technically, Pravda Vostoka was the Eastern version of the Moscow-based Pravda newspaper.
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Editorial: Uzdavnashr (Uzbek State Publishing), Uzbekistan — Уздавнашр (Государственное издательство Узбекской ССР), Узбекистан
Uzbek State Publishing was formed around 1924 and its main offices were located in the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic cities of Samarkand and Tashkent. The publisher was also known as Uzgosizdat in its Russian variant and Ѳznaşr in its Uzbek variant. In 1964, the publisher was renamed Uzbekistan State Publishing House. See Oznaşr (Uzbek State Publishing) for a more comprehensive history.
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