¿Sabes lo que es un estándar? Estándar es la ley que establece el nivel de calidad de la producción en beneficio de toda la economía. “¡No podemos tolerar por más tiempo la pésima calidad de lo que se produce en algunas de nuestras fábricas! Es hora de eliminar esta vergonzosa mancha.” – J. Stalin
Número de Cartel: PP 176
Información sobre el cartel: OSM era el Departamento de Estandarización del Ministerio (Otdely Standartizatsii Ministerstv). Las repúblicas soviéticas gestionaban el proceso de estandarización a través de estos departamentos en sus respectivos ministerios.
Tamaño: 38x28
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: c.1930
Ediciones: 10,000
Número de Glavlit: V-21501
En el catologo: PP 176 Industry
Imprenta: Mosoblpoligraf (Moscow Regional Printers), Moscow — Мособполиграф (Московская областная полиграфская), Москва
Mosoblpoligraf was a regional, state-owned printing trust created in the mid-1920s during the period when the Soviet Union was consolidating its best and most productive printers. The 5th Lithography Workshop, 12th Lithography Workshop, 16th Lithography Workshop, and the 26th Lithography Workshop were all Moscow printers under the Mosoblpoligraf banner.
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Editorial: Standardization and Rationalization Publishing House, Moscow — Государственное издательство стандартизация и рационализация, Москва
The publishing house for the Bureau of Standardization and Rationalization was located near Il’inka Street at 26 Rybnyi Lane in Moscow. It disseminated literature and information on mechanical and industrial standards. In 1929, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the USSR began a program of reforming the nation’s industrial sectors. As part of the program, a Bureau of Standardization and Rationalization was formed within the Supreme Soviet of National Economy (VSNKh) by merging the ...
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