The voice of the planet: NO - to nuclear madness!
Número de Cartel: PP 724
Tamaño: 38x24.5
Tipo de cartel: Offset
Fecha de publicación: 1983
Editores: Editor L. Maliaeva; Art Editor V. Alexeev; Techinical Editor L. Kameneva
Información técnica: Submitted for production October 10, 1983; Format 70 x 100; 1 sheet of paper; 1.3 conditional sheets of paper; Publication No. 0402773; Price 15 kopeks; K 5101010000-726 /088 (02) - 83
Ediciones: 50,000
Número de Glavlit: A-12518
En el catologo: PP 724 Cold War
Artista: Kazhdan, Evgenii Abramovich — Kаждан, Eвгений Aбрамович
Evgenii Abramovich Kazhdan was a Soviet graphic artist, illustrator, and a poster artist. Although Kazhdan is noted for his poster designs, he began his professional art career as an interior designer. It was not until the mid-1950s that he entered into the field of graphic design for posters. Kazhdan's early designs tended to center on advertising and the lottery as well as concerts, theater, the circus, sport, and health education. He was admittedly influenced ...
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Imprenta: Kommunar Publishing House Typography Workshop, Tula — Типография Коммунар, Тула
Kommunar Publishing was located in the city of Tula at 150 Friedrich Engels Street. The publishing house issued the newspaper “Kommunar”.
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Editorial: Kommunar Typography Workshop Publishing House — Типография Коммунар
Kommunar Publishing was located south of Moscow in the city of Tula at 150 Friedrich Engels Street. The publishing house also issued the Kommunar newspaper.
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